Young boy sitting at a desk and listing to the online class on laptop

Program Pricing

Invest in your child's French language skills and academic development.

We offer quality online tutoring and supplemental classes tailored to French Immersion programs, Elementary French, and beginner French Learners.

1:1 Tutoring

Personal online tutoring sessions with our expert tutors

C$40 - One hour lesson

30-minute sessions available for C$20

Group Classes

Weekly classes in an interactive online classroom

C$20 - One hour class

6 students max per class

See what parents are saying


97% of reviewed lessons receive a positive review.

“People at Bonjour Tutors are very professional, friendly and responsive. They are all about making sure the student comes first, finding the best tutor for each student and investigate their present situation in school. Sophie is a marvellous, caring and unusual tutor, and you can see the love she has for her students. All the staff at Bonjour Tutors company are amazing. I would recommend this online French tutoring company to everyone!”

Mary B. Toronto, ON

"My daughter was telling me today that her sessions with Laura are so helpful. Her style makes her feel relaxed and at ease with a subject that usually fills her with anxiety. She explains things to more readily learn and gives her spirit that she has success learning the material--even though testing remains a real hurdle for her. Although she tends to feel negatively towards French, she has a positive attitude about her sessions with Laura because she feels the time spent is both useful and enjoyable. I'm grateful they are such a good match."

Ruth S. Regina, SK

"Thank you! It looks like Bonjour Tutors matched my son up with a perfect tutor for him. I can't believe how smooth these sessions are going. Stephanie is a perfect fit for him. My son is motivated to work with Stephanie. That motivation is a battle he has when getting homework done on his own. It's difficult for him to sit and focus on his own. He is a child of few words, but he was happy and felt prepared after three sessions. I like the updates, and I like that we can reach out and schedule tutoring time when it's needed."

Susan P. Oshawa, ON

Why learn French with Bonjour Tutors?

Two people learning online

Convenient Online Learning

Our virtual classes and individual tutoring sessions are convenient and accessible from anywhere.

Customise schedule

Flexible Scheduling

We offer a range of learning formats and scheduling options, so you can easily fit tutoring into your busy schedule.

Personalized session

Expert Tutors

Our tutors are experienced, bilingual educators with in-depth understanding of Canadian French curriculum programs.

Online tutors

Personalized Learning Support

Whether your child needs support in science, math, or French, we have multiple learning options to fit their grade level and ability.

Explore our French learning programs

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